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The latest news from Murphys Waves:

Murphys Waves are proud to announce that we are again collaborating with Lalandia on their latest project in Søndervig, Denmark. Murphys Waves have been asked to design, manufacture and install one of our award-winning 18m Breaker Wave Machines which will feature in the “Aquadome”.

Murphys Waves have already worked with Lalandia in the past on their waterpark in Billund. Measuring 10,000 m², it is currently Scandinavia’s largest waterpark. Featuring a similar Wave Generator to the one being installed in Søndervig, Lalandia Billund has an 18m Breaker, capable of reaching wave heights of 1.2m and proving multiple wave patterns allowing guaranteed fun for all the family!

The Breaker Wave Machine for Lalandia Søndervig has begun manufacturing and is scheduled for completion by the end of October 2020, the machine will then be shipped out to Denmark ready to be installed by one of our highly skilled engineers!

Lalandia Søndervig is scheduled to open in 2022 and we can’t wait!



Stay tuned for more updates!

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